All Courses

Macro Economics and Economy of Bangladesh(BTHM)
Macro Economics examines the reasons behind the economic grow than decline of a nation. It explains why some nations prosper with high and growing standards of living while others experience high unemployment, inflation, low wages or large trade deficits. The aim of this course is to introduce students with the core concepts and theories of macroeconomics. It addresses national income; consumption and investment; supply and demand; multiple model; money supply; banking and monetary policy. It also covers the economic growth of Bangladesh and its main economic-sectors and policy.

Specific Objectives:

 To Know about Macro Economic Fundamental
 To know about the core concepts and theories of macroeconomics
 To know about national income; consumption and investment; supply and demand; multiple model; money supply; banking and monetary policy
 To know about the economic growth of Bangladesh and economic-sectors and policy

Major Benefits: After completing course students will able to understand below mentioned issues: -

 Concepts and measurement of GNP; NNP and GDP
 National and real national income
 Employment Theories
 Investment, Interest rate; Rate of return on investment
 Marginal propensity to consumer
 Structural change of the Bangladesh economy
 Agriculture-Declining importance of agriculture
 structure of manufacturing industries
 labor productivity, factor intensity and profitability
 Trade regime and development
 Poverty reduction; Indicators of living standard.

Developed By Md. Shaifullar Rabbi
BBA & MBA, Major in Tourism & Hospitality Management, University of Dhaka
Coordinator & Lecturer, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Daffodil Institute of IT(Affiliated National University)
Travel Agency And Tour Operations
The students will understand the conceptual meaning and differentiation between Travel agency and Tour operation. Further they will understand formalities and documentation needed to set up these units. The students will set practical knowledge relating to travel and tour operation.

Specific Objectives:

 To Know about Travel agency and Tour operation
 To know about Travel Agency Business set up
 To know how to operate Travel Agency and Tour Operations Business and Job

Major Benefits:

After completing this course students will able to understand below mentioned activities:-
 Work with Travel Agency and Tour Operation
 Functions of Travel Agency Business
 Itinerary Creation
 Brochure creation
 Start their own business in this areas
 Tour Operations
 Package development
 Travel Agency Business Marketing
 Clients dealing

Developed By Md. Shaifullar Rabbi
BBA & MBA (Major in THM, FBS, DU)
Lecturer, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Daffodil Institute of IT( Affiliated National University)
Food Hygiene and Sanitation
Course Title : Food Hygiene and Sanitation
Course Code : 530907
Credits : 03
Class Hours : 90

Course Objective: The course introduces the principles of hygiene and food safety management and the management principles that flow them. The course provides an introduction to the legal frameworks relevant to hygiene and food safety.

Chapter 1: Microbiology and Food Quality: Basic Microbiology; Common food; Borne micro-organisms; Characteristics of micro-organisms; Beneficial role of micro-organisms in food.
Chapter 2: Food Contamination and Spoilage: Food Contamination; Types of contaminants in food; Food spoilage; Reasons for food spoilage; Criteria for judging whether food is fit for consumption.
Chapter 3: Food Preservation: Basic principles of food preservation; Food additives; Preservatives; Antioxidants; Food emulsifiers; Food colors.
Chapter 4: Food-Borne Diseases: Diseases and their classification; Cross-contamination; Food-borne illness; Food poisoning; Food infections; Food allergies; Food adulteration.
Chapter 5: Personal Hygiene and Safety: Personal hygiene; Personal appearance; Sanitary practices; Protective clothing; Importance of rest; Exercise and recreation; Sanitation Codes.
Chapter 6: Cleaning Procedures: Cleaning and sanitizing; Necessity for an efficient cleaning program; Types of food soil; Water; Cleaning agents; Types of cleaning equipment- manual and mechanical; Pest control.
Chapter 7: Purchase and Storage of Food: Receiving and inspecting deliveries; Food storage; Temperature danger zone.
Chapter 8: Food Standard: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP); Steps in HACCP; Identify CCPs; Sanitation Risk Management (SRM); BSTI; ISO; TQM; Zero Defect.
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
Marketing is a subject of vital concern in tourism and hospitality management because it is the principal management in fluency that can be brought to bear on the size and behavior of this major global market. The subject is learned by an examination of common practice and a study of the experiences of others over time. The study of marketing of tourism and hospitality marketing integrates all basic topics of marketing with a special focus on tourism.

Specific Objectives:

 To Know about Tourism Marketing
 To know about Hospitality Marketing
 To know about overall Marketing Technique

Major Benefits:

After completing course students will able to understand below mentioned activities:-

 Marketing for hospitality and tourism
 Key concept of tourism and hospitality marketing
 Service characteristics of hospitality and tourism marketing
 Marketing environment
 Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research
 Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior
 Creating and Implementing the Promotion
 Segmentation strategy; Targeting; Positioning policy
 Brand decision; New product development; Product life cycle
 Product Pricing

Developed By Md. Shaifullar Rabbi
BBA & MBA (Major in THM, FBS, DU)
Lecturer, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Daffodil Institute of IT( Affiliated National University)

Tourism Planning and Development
The course will introduce the students to policy, planning and theories and their application to tourism. The course will increase the students’ understanding on tourism policies development. Student will examine the relationship between tourism, public policy, planning and development.

Specific Objectives:
 To Know about Tourism Planning
 To know about Tourism Policy
 To know about Tourism Development related Issues and Methods

Major Benefits: After completing course students will able to understand the below mentioned issues:-
 Tourism planning
 Key players in tourism planning
 Approaches to tourism planning
 Strategic Planning
 Strategic planning process
 Decision-making procedures
 Models of decision making
 Governance of local state
 Development control plans
 Zoning strategies for tourism development
 Planning Methods
 Forecasting Tourism Demand
 Tourism Planning for Sustainable Destinations and Sites
 Community approach to Tourism Planning

Developed By Md. Shaifullar Rabbi
MBA & BBA, Major in Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Dhaka
Lecturer, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Daffodil Institute of IT (Affiliated National University)
Numerical Analysis
- Solutions of equations in one variable: Bisection algorithm. Method of false position. Fixed point iteration, Newton-Raphson method, Error Analysis iteration for iterative method, Accelerating limit of convergence.
- Interpolation and polynomial approximation: Taylor polynomial, interpolation and Lagrange polynomial. Iterated Interpolation. Extrapolation.
- Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation. Richardson’s extrapolation. Elements of Numerical integration. Adaptive quadrature method, Romberg’s integration, Gaussian quadrature. Solutions of linear system, pivoting strategies, L U decomposition method.

Course Objective: This course is designed to achieve the following objectives -
- The objectives of studying this module are to make the students familiarise with the ways of solving complicated mathematical problems numerically.
- To help you become familiar with MATLAB and other convenient numerical software such as Microsoft Excel and with simple programming.
- Obtaining numerical solutions to problems of mathematics.
- Describing and understanding of the several errors and approximations in numerical methods.
- The understanding of several available Solutions of Equations in One Variable.
- The explanation and understanding of the several available methods to Solve the simultaneous equations.
- The study of Curve Fitting and Interpolation.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course the students must learn the following -
- Analyse a problem and identify the computing requirements appropriate for its solution.
- The students should be familiarized with the ways of solving complicated mathematical problems numerically.
- The students can use MATLAB and other convenient numerical software such as Microsoft Excel to solve and analyse different mathematical problems.
- The students will be able to analyse and solve several errors and approximations in numerical methods.
- The students will be able to apply several methods to solve the Equations in One Variable.
- The students will be able to apply several methods to solve the simultaneous equations.
- The students will be able to apply several methods to solve Curve Fitting and Interpolation questions and its related techniques.
Tourism and Hospitality Management (BBA-THM)
Focuses on tourism perspectives through the ages; organizations that facilitate tourism, the channel of distribution; passenger transportation; attractions; and hospitality and other related services. It helps understanding travel behavior; supply; demand; policy; planning and tourism development.

Specific Objectives:
 To Know about Tourism and Hospitality Management
 To know about Tourism and Hospitality Industry
 To know about Major Sector and Sub-Sector of Tourism

Major Benefits: After completing course students will able to do understand the below mentioned issues:-
 Basic Issues of Tourism and Hospitality Management
 Components of Tourism and Tourism Management
 Benefits and Costs of Tourism
 World, National, Regional Tourism Organizations
 The Airline and Lodging Industry
 Travel Agency and Tour Operator
 Hospitality Related Services
 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
 Entertainment and Attractions
 MICE Tourism
 Tourism Marketing Plan
 Future of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Developed By Md. Shaifullar Rabbi
BBA & MBA, Major in Tourism & Hospitality Management, University of Dhaka
Lecturer, Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Daffodil Institute of IT(Affiliated National University)
Discrete Mathematics
Set Theory, Relations, Functions, Graph Theory, Planer Graph and Trees, Direct graphs and Binary Trees, Algebraic Systems, Ordered sets and lattices, Propositional Calculus, Boolean Algebra, Lattices, group theory, cyclic groups, permutation groups, symmetry groups, quotient,
homomorphism, Basic structure theory, Prepositional and Predicate logic, Mathematical reasoning and program techniques. Theories with induction. Counting and countability. Graph and trees. Morphisms, Algebraic structures.

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are to:
1. Introduce concepts of mathematical logic for analyzing propositions and proving theorems.
2. Use sets for solving applied problems, and use the properties of set operations algebraically.
3. Work with relations and investigate their properties.
4. Investigate functions as relations and their properties.
5. Introduce basic concepts of graphs, digraphs and trees.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze logical propositions via truth tables.
2. Prove mathematical theorems using mathematical induction.
3. Understand sets and perform operations and algebra on sets.
4. Determine properties of relations, identify equivalence and partial order relations, sketch relations.
5. Identify functions and determine their properties.
6. Define graphs, digraphs and trees, and identify their main properties.
7. Evaluate combinations and permutations on sets.
Syllabus: Differential Calculus
Function and their graphs (polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses, hyperbolic functions and their inverses, combination of such functions)

Limits of Functions: Basic limit theorems with proofs, limit at infinity and infinite limits, Continuous functions. Algebra of continuous functions. Properties Continuous functions on closed and boundary intervals (no proof required).

Differentiation: Tangent lines and rates of change. Definition of derivative, one-sided derivatives. Rules of differentiation (proofs and applications). Successive differentiation. Leibnitz theorem. Related rates. linear approximations and differentials.

Rolle’s theorem: Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean value theorems. Extrema of functions. problems involving maxima and minima. Concavity and points of inflection.

Taylor’s theorem with the general form of the remainder ; Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s forms the remainder. Taylor’s series. Differentiation and integration of series. Validity of Taylor expansions and computations and computations with series. indeterminate forms. L-Hospital’s rules.

Integral Calculus
Integrals: Antiderivatives and indefinite-integrals. Techniques of Integration. Definite Integration using antiderivatives. Definite Integration using Riemann sums. Fundamental theorems of Calculus, Basic properties of Integration. Integration by reduction.

Application of Integration: Plane areas. Solids of revolutions. Volumes by cylindrical shells volumes by cross-sections. Arc length and Surface of revolution. Improper integrals. Gamma and Beta functions. Graphing in polar coordinates. Tangents to polar curves. Area and length in polar coordinates.

Course Objective:
This course is designed to achieve the following objectives Understanding of the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus The usage of Matlab in order to facilitate understanding and visualization of mathematical problems Theoretical and practical preparation enabling students to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in professional and specialist courses.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course the students must learn the following define the basic concepts and principles of differential and integral calculus of real functions and sequences and series interpret the geometric meaning of differential and integral calculus apply the concept and principles of differential and integral calculus to solve geometric and physical problems analyze the properties of functions based on graph obtained using Matlab organize solving of complex problems by combining the acquired mathematical concepts and principles

Reference Books:
Calculus - Titas Prokashoni
Differential Calculus & Integral Calculus - Md. Abdul Matin