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Taxation in Bangladesh #BBA
Learning Taxation of Bangladesh well help students to understand the Tax system/structure of Bangladesh. The way of submitting tax by the taxpayer and collecting tax by the government is very essential for the business students. They should understand what activities the government will undertake and who will pay for them by this course.
Introduction to Business
This course provides students with an insight as to how a business is managed. It will enable students to gain a better understanding of what the business arena is all about, how a business operates and which business functions are needed in any business enterprise. The course will focus on business systems, workforce demographics, social responsibility, business ethics, forms of business organizations, entrepreneurship, small business and franchise systems, management processes, human resource management, marketing management, business finance, business decision‐making, MIS and quantitative tools used in business, international business and the future dimensions of business opportunities in a global economy. The objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic steps required to plan, start and run a business by having them actually do all of these things that are part of a startup.
Human Resource Management
The objectives of this course is to provide an understanding of various functions, approaches and process of human resource management. This course provides a framework for understanding and thinking strategically about employment relations and the management of human resources in organization.
The importance of studying human resources management is that it teaches you how to achieve business success through managing a team. Managing human resources is about being successful because the company has used their talent to their best ability. The following area will be helpful to the students.
The objectives of this course:
This course deals with technical aspects of e-commerce. Students will learn to design, build and maintain to complete e-commerce website. This is an exciting unique course that will focus on the principles of strategic management as applied to e-business. The course is designed to provide the students with a series of real world tools that will assist in the analysis of various kinds of business problems and opportunities.
1. Ecommerce offers business a whole range of opportunities, from marketing opportunities to increasing your products ranges to generating more sales and with an optimized and well developed website you can not only achieve these goals but also offer your customers around the clock.
2. E-commerce business operates on the internet platform and today with the internet’s power, you could get far more customers than you could by running an actual shop.
3. E-commerce business reduces destination barriers. With the internet, distance never becomes an issue because the consumer can buy anything that he wants with the click of a mouse.
4. When compared to running an actual shop, the expenses involved with running an ecommerce business is pretty low. When you run a store, you need to rent a place, hire employees and also pay up for any peripheral costs such as electricity, water, etc.
5. With an ecommerce business, you are saved all of this trouble and thus can reduce your expenses considerably.
Financial Management
This course introduces the concepts in financial management, in the world of modern corporate finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of financial asset valuation, risk and returns model, capital budgeting decision under situation of risk and uncertainty, and financing decisions and as well as how to organization manage working capital, cash management, credit policy and corporate restructuring methods. After completion of the course, students will be able to determine the value of bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure and the levels of dividends and other payouts for their shareholders.
Strategic Management
The objective of this course is to understand the Strategic Management & the effect of the Strategic Management on business, responsibility of the Strategic Management on business, business system and business issues. This course will also help to understand Strategic Management role, planning and application of Strategic Management in business. The course would enable the students to understand the principles of strategy formulation, implementation and control in organizations.
Cost Accounting # BBA
Cost Accounting will help you to make better financial decisions for your business, to create more logical and accurate growth strategies, and to improve your business’s overall financial health. Cost accounting is helpful because it allows executive management of companies to understand how to use its resources more effectively by tracking and measuring them and study their effects.
1. To Reduce Expenses : We study cost accounting because we are interested to reduce our expenses. Cost accounting teaches us, how you can reduce expenses. It identifies the area where we can save cost.
2. To Make Us Rational : Continue study of cost accounting makes us rational regarding the decision of buying raw material and using labors and other overheads in production process. With cost accounting, we can reduce misuse of resources of company.
3. Variance and its Treatment: In cost accounting, we make budget of overheads and after this we can calculate variance of overheads. By checking under-absorbed overheads, we can treat it correctly.
4. To Determine the Prices: To study cost accounting is very necessary because it is helpful to determine the prices of products correctly.
5. To Control the Cost: Advance study of cost accounting will be helpful to control the cost of each product and of each cost center.