Data_Structure (Section C)

We are live in an information age. Everything around us is all about information. IT means Information Technology, what does mean information? after processing the data we get information. we have to store the data somewhere and that’s important how can we store the data. We have to store the data in such a way that is easier to fetch, process and retrieve. In data structure we know a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer’s memory so that it can be used efficiently.

Knowledge of data structures is an extremely important part of any programmer’s arsenal. For almost any programming job, most companies will undoubtedly ask questions regarding data structures. Data structure tells us to make our programs efficient and fast to execute. Data structure helps the students to understand the logic of computer and its related branch. Data structure are important in every branch in computer science (programming, data mining, big data, artificial intelligence etc)

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Last Update 04/24/2021
Completion Time 10 minutes
Members 4

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End Time 04/26/2021 09:51:39