All Courses

Advanced Research Methodology
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to the subject of research methods. Students will understand the basic research process and all modern & universally applied research concepts, tools, and techniques, and encouraging them to apply their acquired theoretical knowledge to real-life situations are paramount course objective.
Entrepreneurship Development
The objectives of the course are to develop basic concepts of owning an organization and understanding how to run a Business Organization effectively through efficient communication. The course will help you to establish and to face the future challenges of itself and help you to enjoy future opportunities of being a boss not a servant. Major areas which will be discuss in this course – critical analysis, kinds, theories, role, feature, Function, Importance & characteristic of various Entrepreneurship through effective uses and so on.
History of Imergence of Independent Bangladesh
The objective of this course is to know about origin of Bangladesh, geographical features, Liberation war, & after independence different Governmental bodies. This course will also help you to know Educational, Cultural & Political system of Bangladesh.

Economics (BBA & CSE)
The course illustrates the way in which economists view the world. Students will learn about basic tools of micro- and macroeconomic analysis and, by applying them, they will understand the behavior of households, firms and government. Students will be able to identify and explain economic concepts and theories related to the behavior of economic agents, markets, industry and firm structures, legal institutions, social norms, and government policies.
Legal Environment Of Business
The objectives of the course are to give a clear view and understanding to student regarding basic
law related to business. After the completion of the course the students would get a clear
understanding of law of Contract, Agency, and Sales of Goods; Company Act 1994, Partnership Act 1932
Strategic Management
The objective of this course is to understand the Strategic Management & the effect of the Strategic Management on business, responsibility of the Strategic Management on business, business system and business issues. This course will also help to understand Strategic Management role, planning and application of Strategic Management in business. The course would enable the students to understand the principles of strategy formulation, implementation and control in organizations.